Wednesday, January 18, 2012

IIE Annual Regional Conference

Welcome back everyone!

The annual IIE Regional Conference is just around the corner. The registration deadline is Feb 1.

When: Feb 16-19 2012.
Where: Auburn University
Cost: $100 (partially reimbursed after trip)

The 2012 IIE Southeast Student Regional Conference is made up of students from 15 different schools all coming together to network with their peers and future colleagues and to further their interest in the Industrial Engineering discipline. It will take place at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama.

Registration Info:!vstc1=other-registration/vstc0=page-2

The cost is $100 per student, and the department will reimburse attendees for at least half (additional reimbursement based on number going). Travel is covered, and meals are covered while attending the conference (may have to pay for one or two meals while traveling).

If you plan on attending notify Bonnie Ladner by January 27 ( You will need to register by February 1 using the link on the conference website link given above.
If you have any questions, let us know!

Twitter @IIEMsstate

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