Tuesday, April 5, 2011

IIE Officer Elections and Interest Session

If you are interested in taking up a leadership role in the IE department or if you want to organize fun events for the students of ISE, then you should be a part of the Officer Committee of the Institute of Industrial Engineers at MSU. The IIE Chapter here at MSU conducts various seminars, research presentations and participates in conferences for Industrial Engineers. It helps the Industrial Engineering Department during E-week.

We are having our annual transition of office and are going to be accepting nominations for the various officer positions this Thursday, April 7th at 6:00 pm at McCain 120. You are requested to please come and attend this nomination meeting and interest session. This is a great opportunity to be an officer of the most important organization for Industrial Engineers at Mississippi State and to know that most of the decisions that you take directly affects all ISE students in some way or the other.

A short description of the specific duties of the available positions are described below:

• President: Chief Executive of the organization.
• Vice-President: Supervises all committees.
• Secretary: keep records; take meeting minutes
• Treasurer: prepare general budget, write checks
• Fundraising Chair: organize fundraising events
• Events Chair: Organize and suggest ideas for various events for the ISE students.
• Professional Development Chair: organize academic and professional events
Apart from these positions, there are also three positions : Engineering Student Council Representative, Public Relations Coordinator and Executive Assistant which are appointed positions by the President. So please be there if you are interested in either of these positions also.

All the above positions will be discussed again at the elections. Please don't be put off by the time commitment (which is typically minimal) or a lack of prior involvement with IIE. Most of these offices don't require any previous experience. I would especially encourage underclassmen to volunteer, since this is a great way to start getting more involved with the ISE department. For those of you who are unable to attend the meeting but are still interested in serving as an officer next year, or those with questions about the election process, please contact Nibeer Dewan at nd108@msstate.edu or 662-312-5217.


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